The Porter's

The Nielsen's

The Holt's

The Bailey's

and the Hertz

(Hahah! I just got a good look at all of the family pictures just now and they are hilarious!)
I put together all 8 of the legs of the race and my parents helped me execute them! The legs went as followed:
#1- A bag full of sand and puzzle pieces. You had to find all the pieces, put the puzzle together, and turn it over to reveal the next location that was written on the back of the puzzle.
#2- Human Darts. One person smears whipped cream all over their face and stands as the dart board while their partner throws cheese balls at them in attempt to hit their nose.
#3- They were given a picture after completing the previous leg, of a headstone in a graveyard. The clue for the next leg was behind that particular headstone.
#4- Sauerkraut eating contest... :D
#5- They were given a paper with 10 countries listed on it and 5 flags. They had to correctly identify the countries flags from the 10 listed countries.
#6- A potato peeling contest.
#7- They had to break a large piece of ice and frozen inside was a key that unlocked a small box that had the location to the finish line.
#8- A race to the finish line.
We started on the east side of town and ended on the far west side of town using a lot of different parks along the way. All of the families were able to participate up to the sauerkraut eating contest, where one team each leg was eliminated. At the end we had zingers for the losers and a trophy waiting for winners. Congrats to the Bailey family for taking the trophy. It was a cut throat race especially when it was down to the final 2 teams. I am pretty sure that they both broke the no speeding rule but a fun time was had by all. I am sad that I didn't get more photos! I am also sad that I couldn't be there to watch all of the legs! Next time I hope to make it even longer and a lot more challenging!
Just to clarify...the ONLY place that the speed limit was broken was in the EITC parking lot...and that is because I am sure that the limit is probably 5 mph! =) We had a blast, thanks for doing that for us!
How Fun!!! It looks like you went to a lot of work! What a great idea!!
Congratulations Bailey family!
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