I should have known last Monday that the day was going to turn out to be a horrible one, despite the fact that I was taking on the challenge that I had given to my Laurels to try and find optimism throughout the week. It always seems like things turn out worse when you take on a challenge! Anyways, like I was saying, I should have known the day would be bad when I woke up late for work and in my sleepiness, as I was locking the front door, I realized I was standing on a bloody mouse head! Gross! Thanks for reminding me about the circle of life, Athens! Needless to say, it got rolled off the balcony and into the bushes. The morning started off okay and things were off and running up until after lunch. I came back to work and was getting ready to get back in the groove of things after a visit to the loo. I slammed the door...as usual, but it wouldn't slam. I pushed on it a second time....still wouldn't quiet shut. I put all of my weight into it and finally got it closed. As I flipped on the light, I noticed the thing that was obstructing the door. The head of a mouse. Poor guy was trying to get out when I was coming in. I have always said that I am cursed with the worse timing in the world, finally someone...or something (the mouse) probably agreed with me! I called my boss to come and get his flat, cartoon like head out of the crack of the door jam. I felt just awful! I left work still feeling awful, which must have set off the sensor in some policeman's head because they never pull you over when you are having a good day! My plates were expired. What else is new. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if I wouldn't have gotten the meanest most stubborn policeman in town...sheesh! I actually drove recklessly home the rest of the way just to see if I could get pulled over on the last stretch home. After a crappy mouse killing law breaking day I was just excited to be home and done with it. As I turned the key in the lock and opened the door, my excitement was shattered by a clump of nastiness spewed up on the carpet....the warm, regurgitated body of the mouse head I had met earlier that day was waiting to greet me on my newly shampooed carpets. I'm going to try optimism another week.
oh my . . . I don't even know what to say. perhaps - better luck tomorrow? at least it wasn't you I saw plowed into the fence of sunnyside gardens:) I guess it might have well been:)
That was a terrible day...I agree with you, about trying out the optimism another day.
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