Sunday, May 1, 2011

The House

Well, after 30 days of the most frustrating, hair pulling, teeth grinding, exhausting, life changing decisions, I finally grew up and bought a house. Now this decision was not an easy or relaxing decision. It required constant vigilance on MLS, visiting gross run down houses, being disappointed, etc. But I am glad to say that I have chosen the house that suits my feel! The house has 3 bedrooms a basement, cold storage, and food storage, along with a cute kitchen and bathroom with additional shower, separate from the bathroom. Only yesterday did I get to walk around it and really spend time looking at it and getting a feel for it. It was built in 1936 and has been in the same family until now. I have yet to select a name for it (why are British the only ones that give their houses names??) but I will be coming up with one soon. It has a huge wonderful backyard that doesn't have anything started in it but a clothes line so my imagination is getting pretty darn excited! I am sooooo looking forward to having everything painted, papered, and floored to my liking (I am not a sea foam green type of person) and I am sure there will be many picture updates as I do a little transforming. I am super excited! The main things that I am looking forward to are: not having a community washer and dryer and having to pull some strangers lint out of the trap :( gross!, having to hesitate before belting out Whitney Houston while soaking in the tub, having to close my blinds whenever a stray car pulls into the pit of fornication, having the grand inquisitor question my every move, not being able to vacuum after 9, not being able to do jumping case I ever wanted too, having to sneak my 2 cats in and out, having to wait at my front door while the couple leaning next to my car says there extra loooooong goodbye before leaving, having my mail far from me and having to use a key to get to it, knowing exactly what the neighbor downstairs had for the dinner the night before because it has become embedded on my towels, not having enough room EVER for all my plants, beige everything, not having room for a bbq, and not having room for a hammock! I know, I know, that all sounds pretty negative, but I WILL miss the pool! 11 of some of my best years have been spent cooped up in my little apartment and I have been able to make the best of it but now on to BIGGER and BETTER!! Did I mention I am excited?!!? Now for some pictures:

Tulips alredy!!

The kitchen (sorry it's a horrible shot)

The view of the backyard (filled with weeds I know!) from the kitchen.

Little Johnny Jump-up's growning in the sidewalk cracks :D

The living room before

Pulling up the carpet in the living room.....

.....and the bedroom.

Cousin Carol came over to help me sand!


I haven't been able to sell many people on the green wall color in the bedroom but it isn't finished yet! More remodels pictures to come.....if I last that long!


Jenny said...

It's absolutely beautiful! And I love green walls, so poo on everyone else. Congratulations!

Megan said...

I love it!
I think the green is great - with the right decor it will look fantastic! (Almost all paint jobs are like that)
Keep me posted all of the decor and home improvement - I am addicted to seeing all of my friend's ideas.

Terri Porter said...

It looks beautiful Christina. We will have to order out and do our next GNO there....

Megan said...

I love it!

I think the green is great - with the right decor it will be very cool (aren't all colors like that - you have to have the right decor...)

Keep me posted on all of your projects. I am addicted to seeing all of my friends ideas!

Terri Porter said...
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Valyn said...

LOVE IT! Even the green paint!! Now that you are an expert at re-finishing hardwood floors, we have some that need done.....

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun!! I was so excited when Jana told me! Just think of all the fun wierd things you can do!! Well, not that you haven't been doing them already... But now you can do them in private & invite people over to see them!! Wootwoot!! Love you!!

Anonymous said...

MY Aunt Lisa told me about how cute your house is. And she also told me how much she loves you.

Congrats on the new house...I love the green paint. Very very cute!

LeAndra said...

That is so awesome Chris .. you did a good job fixing the living room... kinda funny I looked at that house to buy lol .. I kinda thought it would be noise with traffic on Holmes let me know how it goes ... love you glad you grew up :)

Kristan said...

The floors are beautiful!! Congrats on owning your own home!

Kristan said...
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Shawnda said...

CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a home owner! If you need any help this summer with painting ( I love to paint) or anything call me cuz I have summers off! :) Good luck on all of your fun projects.

Kari Cheney said...

Congrats Christina!!! So exciting! Such a cute house!! Great job on the floors and painting, love it!!

Jana Johnston said...

You bought a house and it is a house...and soon it will be a home...a house is made of bricks and beams...a home is made of hopes and dreams...and now you are a HOME already were!
Love Jana!

lunette de soleil police said...

so nice, thanks a lot

Amir Fahmy said...

haha... beatuiful house.. sweet