Friday, August 6, 2010


In June (I'm catching up) Jana and Mark and their kids: Kesa, Kassie, Kaden, and Kaleb came to visit from Omaha and I traveled with them you Utah. We went spelunking in the Timpanogos caves and had a fabulous time! We also got in plenty of pool time at the hotel and the girls and I shared a room and caught up on all the day to day boy drama that they are dealing with :D...aren't girls so fun!
Kaleb was celebrating his birthday the last day of our trip and so he chose to go to a Pirate themed restaurant. It was good food and good atmosphere....until the karaoke started. Oh man! I heard some of the worse singing ever! My sister in law Tanya and her kids met up with us since they were on their way back to Denver and they suffered through the karaoke with us.

Kesa and Kiersten actually got up and did a song, I was so proud of them for staying on key :D.

I love spending time with my family!

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