Sunday, August 8, 2010


I had so much fun going to Philadelphia to help Carol move back home while Jason finishes up his rotations. It was so great to meet little Omea who is 3 months old already. Kalele has grown up into quite the little girl! I just love the Kane family! We had a great time! Aside from cleaning and getting everything ready for the move, we enjoyed a lot of fun things! My top three favorites were #1: our trip to Wildwood NJ for a day at the beach:

Even though I didn't get any pictures, I was actually swimming out there with a bunch of sharks, which is my dream come true! I am fascinated by sharks so all in all, it really was the perfect day!
#2: our trip to the Philly zoo:

The baby clinging to it's mother was born last year on my birthday!

Carol's favorite, the hippo

Omea, giving us her best tiger roar
And #3: our trip to the African market! We went to the zoo with a bunch of people in Carol's ward and later that day we had to drop a sack off that was in her car to some ladies who work in the African market. Markets are my very favorite things to visit when I am in other countries and so it was fun to visit and learn about the different things in the market and I am sure the ladies all loved showing us!

All in all, it was a great trip and I am so glad to have them back home and so close!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Your shark thing freaks me out a little bit. A little too many SHARK WEEK shark attacks. It sounds like such a fun trip! PS-we love sharks in our house, too!